Scripting Language for Caedium
Submitted by rbgordonus on April 1, 2011 - 08:23
The addition of a scripting language to Caedium would add tremendous functionality and ease of use. Many major CAE codes such as Abaqus (Python), FLUENT (Text Menu System) and STAR-CCM+ (Java) use scripting in conjunction with journal files created during an interactive session. DNV Software (a leading provider of FEA and CFD software for the marine and offshore industries) uses Microsoft's JScript very effectively to create journal files. The journal files may then be edited and either read into an interactive session or used as input to a batch run.
The advantages of a scripting language include:
- Comprehensive documentation of the program's data model
- Makes reuse of and small changes to a model very easy and efficient
- Allows for batch processing, for example on a remote HPC platform
Edit: Caedium v5 has Python scripting.
Caedium v5 has Python scripting
Caedium v5 now has Python scripting.