Error encountered while subtracting volumes?
Submitted by Balaji Ravikanti on November 1, 2014 - 04:10
I was trying to subtract a group of volumes from a bigger volume and encountered this following error,
Create Subtract failed.
Open Cascade failure: TopOpeBRep_EdgesIntersector : Situation Unknown M"
Please explain me about the corrective actions to be taken to avoid this error. Thank you.
Same happens with unite too!
The error i encountered while trying to unite two volumes belonging to my geometry is given below.
Create Unite failed.
Open Cascade failure: TopOpeBRep_EdgesIntersector : Situation Unknown MM"
Please help me out.
Few more errors while trying to subtract the hub!
I was trying to do the subtraction or union in as many ways as logically possible. Because if I have to subtract a set of volumes from a bigger volume I could either 'subtract each from the bigger volume separately' or else 'all of them together in one go' or 'unite them if possible and then subtract'. Encountered the following errors while trying to subtract the hub, I was able subtract the blades with out fail.
Failed: Create Subtract Geometry
Open Cascade failure: 00007FFB55A8AAE0 : TopoDS_FrozenShape: TopoDS_Buider::Add
Failed: Create Unite
Open Cascade failure: 00007FFB55A8AAE0 : TopoDS_FrozenShape: TopoDS_Buider::Add"
Please help me out in rectifying.
Perform Boolean in CAD system
Have you tried performing the Boolean operations in your CAD system? Is so what was the result?