CFD of Oxidiser Injector Flow
I am attempting to visualise the flow through an oxidiser injector of a hybrid rocket. When I try and run the residuals monitor, I am getting the following errors:
Flow Volume [www.14557.5] RANS Flow: Failed
Solver singularity: GAMG: Solving for p_rgh, Initial residual = 0.0703748, Final residual = 1.#QNAN, No Iterations 20
Flow Volume [www.14557.5] RANS Flow: Failed
Solver singularity: GAMG: Solving for p_rgh, Initial residual = 0.0703748, Final residual = 1.#QNAN, No Iterations 20
Flow Volume [www.14557.5] RANS Flow: Failed
Solver singularity: GAMG: Solving for p_rgh, Initial residual = 0.0703748, Final residual = 1.#QNAN, No Iterations 20
I have followed the step-by-step tutorials for the pipe into a box as the concept is very similar and have no idea what these errors mean or how to fix them.
Please advise.
Diagnose issues according to FAQ
If you haven't already, I suggest you first complete the tutorial "Incompressible Flow Through a Pipe into a Box" to get an idea of how Caedium works.
For your specific case, not knowing the details of your setup, I would guess either the geometry or mesh are causing the solver to fail. To help diagnose your issues see the FAQ "How do I fix mesh and solver failures?".