vertex question
Submitted by Anonymous on December 19, 2011 - 11:40
I am evaluating this software and have many geometries that may require inputting vertices, then creating faces then joining faces to make a geometry.
It is easy enough to input a vertex. Is there a tutorial in how to create a face and then join faces into volumes?
if one inputs vertices how do you display the (x,y,z) on the viewing field?
it is difficult otherwise to know where a box or geometry is located.
Multiple Cameras
There's no in-camera view of the coordinates.
I suggest creating multiple cameras of the same view, using File->New->Camera and then manipulate each camera to be helpful.
Another option would be to create a box or rectangle grid as a reference.
Loft and Stitch
Before you can create faces you'll need to create edges using the Edges->Spline tool on the Geometry Tool Palette. If you have just two vertices then the Spline tool will join them with a straight line. You can create the vertices directly in Caedium or you can import points as a single column of X Y Z coordinates - leave a blank line to segment the vertices into groups. For more details see the comment "Import Airfoils as Points".
You can either use the Faces->Loft (more robust) or Stitch tools to create faces from edges and then use the Volumes->Stitch tool to create a volume from faces. For more details see the tutorial "Loft and Stitch"