How can I tell which version of the trial software is running?
Submitted by Anonymous on January 21, 2011 - 15:24
Downloaded trial versions of three separate products. Not sure which activation code to put in to activate the desired features. I seem to lack some of the RANS solver "Properties" box options mentioned in the tutorials, and I assumed this was because I activated a product without that capability. How can I tell which version of the trial software is running on my machine? I have tried the "About" from the help menu, but it doesn't say whether it is the Professional version or something else.
[Edit: based on an email exchange]
Fine to enter (or re-enter) multiple trial add-on licenses
There's no harm in entering (or re-entering) multiple trial add-on activation licenses - they don't overwrite each other. Better still, just request the Caedium Professional trial and then that one activation license gives you access to all the add-ons.
The add-ons bundle multiple internal Caedium modules, so there's no easy way to determine which combination of add-ons you have activated.