Fake Real Wireframe Models

What happens when you take a virtual model, in this case a wireframe car model, into the real world? Besides blowing people's minds you get a surreal look that is sure to draw attention to your cause - often advertising. But who cares when it looks this good?

Fake Wireframe Subaru ImprezaFake Wireframe Subaru Impreza: Benedict Radcliffe's "Modern Japanese Classic"

Is it fake? But then what is fake? Surely a wireframe model in the real world is by definition fake and a wireframe model in the virtual world is real.

Real Wireframe Subaru ImprezaReal Wireframe Subaru Impreza: Wireframe model in Caedium

You be the judge, and while you are at it be sure to check out the wireframe gallery at OObject.

Next stop, taking virtual CFD results into the real world - anyone have a color 3D printer?


Mesh-Like Wireframes

Want more? How about mesh-like wireframes from Visual News via the Pointwise Blog.

Bespoke Bicycles

Read our interview with Benedict as he talks about his collaboration with acclaimed designers Ron Arad and Patrick Cox on the bikes for the W hotel project:
