November 2014: What can CFD do for you?
What has Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) done for you lately? Or more to the point - what can CFD do for you? For a brief reminder of the broad range of internal and external CFD flow applications, and for a specific external aerodynamics case study, read on.
Velocity magnitude iso-surfaces
Heroic Aircraft Design Aided by Caedium CFD
Niklas Wendel and Julia Gundert, students at Thomas-Morus-Gymnasium, Daun, Germany, recently completed a project to envisage an airliner of the future with a focus on sustainability and fuel efficiency. Their project was named HELT., translated as a German acronym for 'High Efficiency Aircraft', and is also similar to the German word 'held' which translates to 'hero' in English. During their early concept design phase they used Caedium Professional to perform CFD simulations to evaluate the aerodynamic efficiency of various configurations before selecting their final Blended Wing-Body (BWB) design. Read more >>
External Aerodynamics with CFD
CFD sees broad use in many applications across a diverse range of industries. No more so is this true than in the applications you'll see for CFD in external aerodynamics analysis. Read more >>
Internal Flow with CFD
Just as CFD has found extensive use across a wide range of external flow applications, it is also used to simulate a diverse set of internal flow applications. Read more >>