November 2012: Caedium at SC12

It's November and therefore it's Supercomputing Conference time. Caedium Professional is playing a starring role at SC12 as part of Asetek's extreme live demonstration of their state-of-the-art water cooled HPC cluster. If you are interested you can find more details below. Also this month we've seen a series of great results from F1 in Schools teams using Caedium, which included the Cold Fusion team being crowned the F1 in Schools World Champions. In addition to these great stories we also have an eclectic mix of blog posts.

Cold Fusion Car Cold Fusion's F1 in Schools World Championship Winning Car

Asetek Performs Extreme Caedium CFD Simulations at SC12

Asetek Inc. will perform an extreme live demonstration of its state-of-the-art power efficient HPC cluster at SC12 in Salt Lake City, Utah on November 12-15, 2012. To demonstrate their groundbreaking liquid cooling technology, Asetek chose to fully load their showcase cluster by running multiple parallel Caedium Professional CFD simulations. Read more >>

F1 in Schools Caedium Success Stories

Caedium CFD Simulations Help F1 in Schools World Champions

Cold Fusion, the Australian National F1 in Schools champions, are now the 2012 F1 in Schools World Champions. The team used Caedium Professional CFD simulations to optimize the aerodynamics of their world beating CO2 dragster and by all accounts to great effect! Read more >>

Rapid Motion Finish 4th at F1 in Schools World Finals

More F1 in Schools news - Rapid Motion, a joint team from Australia and Germany, finished 4th overall at the 2012 F1 in Schools World Finals held in Abu Dhabi. Using Caedium Professional CFD simulations the team analyzed the aerodynamics of various designs resulting in a 16% improvement in average speed over their baseline car. Read more >>

F1 in Schools Team Revved Up Win State Finals

Congratulations go out to F1 in Schools team Revved Up who have qualified for the Australian F1 in Schools National Finals, after a convincing win at their state competition. Revved Up used Caedium Professional CFD simulations to help optimize the aerodynamics of their car and to good effect by all accounts! Read more >>

Blog Posts

Fluid Analogy: Hydraulic Jump - White Hole

It seems that analogies between fluid flow and other physical processes continue to proliferate. Add to that list the analogy between a hydraulic jump (think smooth-shallow to rough-deep transition in a sink under a running tap) to a white hole (think black hole running backwards in time). Physicists at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France recently showed through " experimental demonstration that the circular hydraulic jump represents a hydrodynamic white hole...". Read more >>

Fluid Dynamics News: F1, Bubbles, Nanoballs, and Flowers

Browsing through the news today I can across an interesting array of fluid dynamics related stories that I thought I'd share. So if you want to see how the Williams F1 team uses CFD and wind tunnels, or why a half-full (or is it half-empty?) bottle of water breaks when you hit it in a certain way (clue: cavitation), or how to make nanoballs (clue: bristles), and more, check out the links below. Read more >>

Seiche Water Waves and Earthquakes

I think everyone is well aware of the link between tsunamis and earthquakes after the devastation wreaked in recent years on Japan and Indonesia. However, there is a lesser known water wave called a seiche that is limited to semi-enclosed and fully-enclosed bodies of water, such as lakes, bays, swimming pools, and even puddles. I went searching for links between earthquakes and fluid dynamics after I experienced a minor earthquake (4.0 magnitude) here in New England. Read more >>