February 2013: Sneak Peek at Caedium v5
Clearly it's time we revealed what you can look forward to in the next release of the Caedium CFD software system. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and read all about the new polyhedral (dual) mesh feature in Caedium v5 that will save you time and increase the accuracy of your results. Still have a free moment? Then enjoy my latest blog posts.
Caedium v5 Sneak Peek: Polyhedral Meshes Improve CFD
The next release of Caedium will provide an option to automatically convert a RANS Flow volume mesh to a polyhedral mesh - also known as a dual mesh. Solving the RANS equations on the dual mesh compared to the equivalent tetrahedral mesh typically leads to higher accuracy results with both faster and more reliable convergence. Read more >>
Blog Posts
Fluid News: F1 Construction, Hand Washer-Dryer, Superomniphobic Coating, and Robofish
Ready for more fluid news? Good, then feast your eyes on the construction of an F1 racecar, a hand washer and dryer combo from the future, fluid resistant coatings (imagine no more stains on your tux!), and a graceful gliding robofish. Read more>>
Fluid News: Corvette Aerodynamics, Airports, Rockets, Jets, and Trailers
Fluid news blast coming your way. Be the talk of dinner parties and impress your colleagues with stories about the latest Corvette aerodynamics, a chimney (more like a baffle really) to deflect pollutants around airports, rockets, jets (colored water jets that is), and aerodynamic truck trailers. Read more >>
In the F1 World - Aerodynamics is Everything
The BBC has run a four-part series on "How to make an F1 car" based on an interview with former Formula 1 car designer Gary Anderson. The series provides a great insight into the F1 design process and highlights the overriding importance of aerodynamics. Follow the links to read the full articles. Read more >>
Fluid News: Turbulence, Trees, Heat, and Competition
Fluid news time with a twist of heat transfer. Keep reading for stories on boundary layer visualization, how tree 'plumbing' limits tree height, how to focus heat like light, the F1 in Schools 2013 Championship venue announcement, how CFD helps elite athletes, and how NASCAR is becoming more like rocket science. Read more >>